Optimizing Patient Therapy: Navigating Technology and Personalization

Incorporating personalized support alongside technological advancements is critical in patient care management.
· 5 min read

The World Health Organization (WHO) characterizes worldwide population health as a “tsunami of chronic diseases” and the call for digital health systems becomes ever more urgent. With projections from the World Economic Forum estimating the cost of chronic diseases to skyrocket to $47 trillion by 2030, the need for efficient and effective population-scale health interventions is paramount.

Digital health solutions are stepping up to meet this challenge head-on. Technologies such as telehealth and remote patient monitoring platforms are not only transforming the delivery of care but are also reshaping the patient journey, particularly for those with complex, chronic conditions. At AscellaHealth, we're at the forefront of this transformation, leveraging digital innovations to streamline communication between pharmacy, patient and provider, thereby addressing the multifaceted needs of these vulnerable populations.

Streamlining the Patient Journey

Living with a complex, chronic condition is a journey filled with challenges, from the lengthy pathway to diagnosis to the ongoing management of treatment regimens. On average, it takes nearly five years to receive a diagnosis, often involving multiple doctors and potential misdiagnoses along the way. Misdiagnosis is especially common with diseases that are difficult to detect, such as neurological disorders or those that manifest in childhood.

Access to diagnostic tools and effective screening is crucial in reducing the time to diagnosis, and digital health technologies play a vital role in reaching undiagnosed patients.

After receiving a diagnosis, patients with complex, chronic conditions frequently face the challenge of managing intricate treatment regimens, frequent medical appointments and coordination with multiple points of contact to handle various services, benefits and healthcare providers. Bridging this gap between patients and providers, digital health technologies play a crucial role in expediting diagnosis and enhancing outcomes.

Overcoming Barriers to Access

Accessing care and treatment can be a significant challenge for patients with complex, chronic conditions, especially in remote or underserved areas. Whether it's the burden of frequent appointments or the lack of nearby medical facilities, patients often face obstacles in accessing the care they need.

Evidence from across the world confirms that, even when therapies exist, patients often struggle to access treatment resulting from the challenges of an isolated rural environment that often lacks medical clinics, interoperable healthcare systems, or transportation options that can delay or impede access to necessary care. Even in the urban healthcare landscape, there are challenges, including patient complexity and resource limitations, such as insufficient infrastructure and shortages of primary and specialty care.

Globally, approximately one in three of all adults suffer from multiple chronic conditions (MCCs). With limited availability of physician specialists who understand and are experienced with a particular condition, patients are often challenged to locate a doctor within their community.

Researchers in Poland studied this issue and pointed out that future physicians are often taught to initially consider common diagnoses when evaluating patients during their training. As a result, even though many physicians will encounter complex diseases in their careers, they may assume they won't encounter certain conditions. Additionally, many doctors lack the necessary knowledge to treat specialty patients.

Digital health solutions, particularly telehealth, are revolutionizing healthcare delivery by reducing barriers to access. Through remote platforms, patients can now easily connect with medical professionals, genetic specialists and support services, gaining access to specialized care regardless of geographical constraints.

Furthermore, digital technology has significantly improved access to therapy with enhancements to shipping medications directly to patients, contributing to the seamless management of their complex healthcare journey. Real-world evidence underscores the impact of these advancements, revealing expedited delivery times and increased medication adherence rates among patients receiving medications through digital channels. This integration of technology not only enhances patient convenience but also optimizes healthcare outcomes by ensuring timely access to essential treatments.

Empowering Patients with Information

In addition to improving access to care, digital health technologies empower patients by providing access to their own health information, and self-management tools. From medical records to medication reminders, these tools enable patients to take a more active role in their healthcare decisions, leading to improved adherence and better outcomes.

AscellaHealth uses its mobile patient platform to provide patients with reliable and precise educational material to help them understand what to expect during their treatment. These materials provide essential information about the medications they receive, along with website links for further exploration on their own. By providing this source of knowledge, it relieves patients of the burden of searching for information independently, which can be overwhelming and often lead to uncertainty about what to believe.

Need for Personalized Support

Incorporating personalized support alongside technological advancements is imperative for effective patient care management. While digital technology has been found to help with diagnosis, access to care and enhanced efficiency, personalized support addresses unique patient needs and preferences of individual patients, fostering a deeper level of engagement and trust. Personalized communication channels open the door for more comprehensive and honest discussions around the day-to-day struggles of patients which can impact compliance to therapy.

At AscellaHealth, we recognize the importance of combining digital technologies with personalized support. Our Patient Care Coordinators (PCCs) leverage secure mobile platforms to communicate with patients, providing tailored support when and how it's most convenient for them. This alternative communication method has proven to enhance medication adherence. By complementing the efforts of healthcare providers, PCCs ensure that patients receive the personalized care they deserve, regardless of geographic barriers or transportation limitations.

This connectivity supports the development of close, personal relationships with patients and caregivers, enabling access to seamless medical therapy management and concierge-level care and support. PCC’s play a pivotal role in this process, supporting therapy onboarding, implementing customized clinical protocols and facilitating bi-directional messaging for optimal patient engagement.

Importantly, data is encrypted and secure, ensuring patients’ information remains confidential and protected to maintain the highest standards of security throughout the healthcare journey. This heightened engagement enables PCCs to track patients' treatment more effectively, identify potential challenges or barriers they may encounter and offer timely support and guidance to navigate through the issues, thereby enhancing the overall quality of care provided.

Great Expectations

As we look to the future, the integration of digital technology and personalized care will continue to revolutionize patient care. By staying at the forefront of innovation and maintaining a commitment to personalized interaction, we can ensure that patients receive holistic, optimized care that meets their diverse needs.

At AscellaHealth, we remain dedicated to leveraging the latest technologies and operational methods to support patients and combat the rising tide of chronic diseases. Through our continued efforts, we aim to make a meaningful difference in the lives of patients worldwide.

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